Significations voilées: façonner la robe juive, à partir de la collection du musée d’Israël, Jérusalem 🌐

Du 3 novembre 2017 au 18 mars 2018

Musée juif de New-York
1109 5th Ave à 92nd St
New York
NY 10128

100 articles textiles du 18 e au 20 e siècle, provenant du Musée d’Israel à Jerusalem, dépositaire de la plus complète collection de robes des communautés juive, illuminent l’histoire globale des diverses cultures s’inspirant l’une de l’autre. L’exposition invite à considérer l’histoire du costume dans sa complexité.

Clothing is intended to cover our bodies, but it also uncovers. To what extent is our choice of dress freely made, and how do our surroundings affect our decisions? The variety of costumes displayed in this exhibition attests to the diversity of Jewish communities around the globe. In many cases, the clothes worn by Jews were similar or even identical to those worn by non-Jewish neighbors, although at times special features distinguished them from the dominant culture.